Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

When can I order?
It is strongly recommended that you place your order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment as stocks are limited. Final order date is Friday 15th December 2023. We are reliant on a third party courier service so cannot be held responsible for a letter turning up late.
How are the letters posted?
All letters ordered before 23rd November will be couriered on the 24th November to ensure delivery for the 1st December as we know you will love to add these to your little ones Christmas boxes. All other letters will be couriered weekly every Friday. Orders made on Friday will be couriered the following Friday. Final courier date will be Monday 18th December . We are reliant on a third party courier service so cannot be held responsible for a letter turning up late.
Can I proof read my letter/s before I place my order?
Yes! We have designed our system to allow you to proof read and make changes to each letter before placing your order. We hold no responsibility for any errors or typo’s so strongly recommend you proof read each letter before placing your order. Once your order has been placed you agree that what you have ordered is all correct. We will not be proof reading or correcting any errors and will be printing orders exactly as we receive them.
Can I order multiple letters?
Yes, Yes Yes! We have made the ordering process nice and easy allowing you to order multiple letters at once. Simply place your first order and add it to your cart then continue shopping. Please note that if you require letters to go to different addresses you will need to place separate orders for each address.
Can I order letters and have them delivered to another address?
Of course you can! We know Grandparents or friends will be giving them as gifts. Simply place the correct postage address in the check out and your gift will be couriered to that lucky recipient. Please note if you are sending this to an address other than yours, please address it to the adult of the house so they can unpack it and place it under the tree for the child….we don’t want to ruin the magic.
Will all the letters I order be couriered together?
Yes. We will courier all letters under each order together. This will ensure all your children receive their letters from Santa at the same time.
How can I track my letter?
Each order will be tracked and traced through our courier service. Once your letter has been dispatched you will receive an email with your track and trace number.
Can I cancel my letter order?
Due to each letter being personalised and the short turnaround time from ordering to postage we are unable to accept cancellations.
What is your refund policy?
Due to the personalised nature or each letter, and your approval of each letter before ordering we do not accept refunds. In the unlikely event that you do not receive your letter we can arrange a replacement if time allows. Please be aware that we do not offer refunds for non-delivery or if you have not stated rural delivery on your order. Should you encounter any issues please make contact with us as soon as possible so we can endeavour to remedy it.
How can I make payment?
All payments are made securely through Stripe our online service provider. Santa Express doesn’t retain any payment information.
What is the courier charge?
Courier fees will be added at check out. These will differ for rural or non-rural locations. Please be aware that if you live at a rural address you will need to state this as orders that do not have the correct courier fee assigned will be delayed or not sent.
How do I find my Virtual call invite?
Once you confirm and pay for your virtual call with Santa, you will receive an email with your link to the date and time of your call. You can then add this to your calendar so you do not miss your booking.
What if I miss my Virtual call booking time?
If you miss your virtual call booking time, please contact us immediately. We do not accept responsibility for missed calls but will endeavour to accommodate and reschedule your call at our discretion.
How many people can attend a Virtual call with Santa?
We recommend keeping your group small so Santa gets a turn to speak to everyone. The ideal number of children is between 1-4. If you have more children than this we cannot guarantee that Santa will have one-on-one time with each of them.
How do I personalise my Virtual call?
During the booking process you will be asked for your children’s names, ages and interests. Please keep these to one interest per child so Santa and interact with each one.
How does the Virtual call work?
Once you make your booking you will receive an email with a link to your booking date and time. When you enter the virtual chat Santa will be waiting for you and your family and greet you all with a HoHoHo. He will then greet each child and endeavour to speak with each of them. Please try to only have one person speaking at a time as Santa is all the way in the North Pole and his hearing can be troublesome if lots of people are talking over each other.
Can I cancel my Virtual call?
Once your booking is confirmed and paid for, we are unable to refund or cancel your call. We will endeavour to work with you to arrange an alternate time for your call however we cannot guarantee this.
Can I get a recording of my Virtual call?
Yes- All our virtual calls are recorded. After your Virtual call with Santa you will be emailed a recorded copy of your call.